the order
A popular tourist destination and lakeside resort, the settlement of Silent Hill, Maine has always had something particularly odd about it. Whether it's a history of epidemics, strange ocurrences, and missing persons or an ominous fog that hangs over it and it's neighboring establishment, Shepherd's Glen, this special place of fond memories, so tranquil and gorgeous against the New England landscape, holds a dark secret and an underbelly of evil that, over the years, has taken over.

Build on land called "The Place of Silent Spirits", Silent Hill was first established as penal colony in the 1800s with the completion of Brookhaven Hospital and Toluca Prison. Epidemic and missing persons plagued the city throughout it's reinventions, but speculations of these were just that, and it wasn't until the sinking of the Little Baroness in the early 1900s that these speculations grew, particularly to do with The Order, a group of cultists at the core of the town's struggle, including those of travelers lost to the town in 2013.

From various locations and various backgrounds, all were drawn to the town by The Order in an effort to see their ends met, sinking them into a Hell unimaginable and struggles inhuman in a fight for their lives. Against all odds, they survived, escaping Silent Hill and Shepherd's Glen with lives intact and heads full of horrors they hope to leave behind in anticipation of returning to normal lives.

The horrors resurfaced again in 2015. Ghostly faces in mirrors and facades of monsters thought left behind, nightmares of drowning, asphyxiation, being burned and buried alive, and an ever-clenching paranoia suggested that Silent Hill wasn't done with them yet, and despite the answers they received and plots they unwound, it seems it still isn't.

Three years after, those drawn into the foggy Hell of Silent Hill and Shepherd's Glen have all moved on with their lives without so much as a hint of The Order following them. The memories remain, the scars and haunts, perhaps even the paranoia and fear there is trouble around the corner, but it has remained quiet—until now. Postmarked with no return address, suspicious packages have been showing up at the homes and offices, each containing what appears to be a leather-bound book. Within its pages are the individual histories of those chosen during their time in Silent Hill, details that many wouldn't know, and to read them is to be pulled right back into the nightmare--right back into Silent Hill.


Though I’m not going to go through all the potential rules there could be, as always, the golden rule applies and please approach situations with a sense of realism despite Silent Hill disbanding some realistic expectations. IC actions have IC consequences!

Activity is simple: Be active in a thread! There isn't much more to it than that! Should you be unable to participate in a thread, activity can also be turned in through narratives or outside formed posts like photo posts, journal entries, etc., but remember it will be unlikely Silent Hill will have a prevalent SNS available (meaning playlists are on cassette tapes and Instagram photos are the real deal, and these medias will have to be found by other players).

Currently, there is no character limit, but if you are struggling with your existing roster, please focus your efforts on those existing characters than new ones.

While we will make many references to Silent Hilll locations, monsters, even puzzles, you do not need to have a significant knowledge of Silent Hill or the games to play! The Silent Hill Wiki is a great place to find information on everything from characters to monsters to the lore behind certain locations and sects, and I am happy to answer any questions there might be.


Because this is taking a different approach, primarily through the Books of Memories that players are receiving, I wanted to be sure to clear up any confusion on changes that might have occurred from one version of The Order to the next.
• Only those characters who are returning from the 2013 and 2015 versions of The Order will be receiving books containing memories of Silent Hill and Shepherd’s Glen. Once read, they will be transported to an Otherworld location of significance to their character. This location is of the player's choosing, but will be a hellish version rather than the more peaceful Fog World version.

• Those who are new to the game will receive books containing their own memories, but will also be transported to Silent Hill or Shepherd’s Glen to a Fog World location of their choosing The Fog World is less dangerous, however still has it's rare monsters, and any location in the towns is available unless Otherworld-specific or hidden by The Order. Eventually, the Otherworld and Fog World will cross and the characters trapped in either will be able to interact more readily.

• Given changes to the map in Shattered Memories, the layout of Silent Hill has changed, so those returning may notice buildings in different places, primarily the hospital. [MAP] The layout of Shepherd’s Glen has not changed. [MAP]
